LINGUIST List 2.819
Sat 23 Nov 1991
FYI: Phonetics for the Mac, Old Journals
Editor for this issue: <>
Peter Ladefoged, Re: 2.796 Queries: Phonetics for the Mac
"Fredrick J. Damerau", Re.: Old Journals
Message 1: Re: 2.796 Queries: Phonetics for the Mac
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 91 09:15 PST
From: Peter Ladefoged <IDU0PNLMVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Re: 2.796 Queries: Phonetics for the Mac
With regard to programs that might help in teaching linguistics,
the following phonetics-related programs for Macintosh computers
(minimum 1 megabyte of RAM required) are available from the
UCLA Phonetics Laboratory.
Write to me (Peter Ladefoged, idu0pnluclamvs.bitnet) for further information
Sounds of the World's Languages
database of digitized sounds found in the world's
languages produced by native speakers;
illustrates less familiar sounds
(Hypercard 1.2 or higher;
about 25 meg. Hard disk required)
Acoustic phonetics
Hypercard tutorial on some basic concepts of
acoustic phonetics.
PlotFormants plots formant frequencies in Mel,Bark or linear
scales, with axes as in A Course in Phonetics.
draws ellipses around collections of points
showing the Standard Deviation
UCLA/Uppsala version of SoundWave
Reads MacRecorder (SoundEdit) files
Shows pitch curves, also LPC and FFT
analyses giving values of formants
A basic, nothing fancy, analysis system
Vocal 2.1 allows the user to create vocal tract shapes
and assesses the acoustic results of different
articulatory configurations. Somewhat dated
Draw vocal tracts
A utility program making it easy to draw phonetic
IPAMacintalk text to speech program using IPA transcription
based on the public domain program 'HyperMacintalk'
MacSynth an old formant synthesizer demonstration program
Not compatible with the SE/30 or MacII series
IPASounds digitized recordings of John Wells and Susan
Ramsaran linked to the IPA symbols;
When used with MacRecorder lets the user
practice the sounds as well as learn the symbols
See SPECIAL NOTE regarding payment for this program
All the above are available from:
Phonetics Lab
Department of Linguistics
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1543
Prices Effective September 1, 1991 (subject to change without
notice) Make checks payable to: Regents, University of California
(Sorry, but we have to cover our costs)
A: ___ All UCLA software (B & C) $65.00
B: ___ Sound's of the World's Languages $50.00
C: ___ Individual programs $5.00/disk
The program IPASounds is free to IPA members. Others must pay $20
For this one program a separate check is required
payable to the IPA (not to UCLA)
Message 2: Re.: Old Journals
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 91 08:19:56 EST
From: "Fredrick J. Damerau" <>
Subject: Re.: Old Journals
I must say I am surprised at the response to my posting offering back
issues of Language. I have even had offers of purchase. In the interest
of scholarship, I will send them to some academic institution, since
there appears to be enough interest. I will be away next week, and will
make some decision the following week.
Thanks to all who replied. If any others of you want to clean your
shelves, there appears to be a substantial need in other countries. It
remains to be seen whether the cost of sending material like this out of
the country is within reason.
Fred J. Damerau