LINGUIST List 3.329

Thu 09 Apr 1992

Qs: Bilingualness, IPA, Dissimilation, House

Editor for this issue: <>


  • Johanna Rubba, Bilingual Children
  • , Printing IPA on HP Deskjet
  • Jennifer Cole, Dissimilation query
  • Mike Hammond, House Exchange: Paris/Los Angeles

    Message 1: Bilingual Children

    Date: Tue, 7 Apr 92 18:19:33 PDTBilingual Children
    From: Johanna Rubba <rubbabend.UCSD.EDU>
    Subject: Bilingual Children

    I have had several friends ask me for advice about raising their children bilingually. Not being a psy-linguist or lg-acq. specialist, I don't know what to tell them. They want whether-tos and how-tos. And reading material.

    Can anyone help? -- Thanks in advance.

    Jo Rubba, UC San Diego

    Message 2: Printing IPA on HP Deskjet

    Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1992 15:29 EST Printing IPA on HP Deskjet
    From: <>
    Subject: Printing IPA on HP Deskjet

    I'm passing this request along from a colleague who teaches French and French phonetics. Can anyone suggest sources of software (or maybe hardware--read on) that produces IPA characters, works with Nota Bene or WordPerfect on an IBM PS/2, and prints to a Hewlett-Packard Deskjet Plus? The object, of course, is to word-process and print text consisting of both Roman and IPA characters. We are not sure whether he needs software or hardware or both--the HP Deskjet uses insertable font cartridges, but HP offers no help for IPA applications. We'd greatly appreciate any pointers. Thanks! --Vance Truesdale, Clemson University

    Message 3: Dissimilation query

    Date: Wed, 8 Apr 92 10:11:16 CDTDissimilation query
    From: Jennifer Cole <>
    Subject: Dissimilation query

    For our research on domains for phonological assimilation processes, we are interested in collecting and cataloguing examples of dissimilation. We solicit references on any dissimilation processes from readers of the Linguist List. We are interested in first-hand accounts from those who have done field work on languages displaying dissimilation, as well as references to published work. Please respond directly to: We will construct a bibliography and make it available on Listserv to anyone interested. All contributers will be acknowledged in the final product.

    Thanks in advance,

    Jennifer Cole ( Jose Ignacio Hualde Charles Kisseberth

    University of Illinois

    Message 4: House Exchange: Paris/Los Angeles

    Date: Wed, 8 Apr 92 08:24:20 -07House Exchange: Paris/Los Angeles
    From: Mike Hammond <>
    Subject: House Exchange: Paris/Los Angeles

    I'm not sure if this is an appropriate announcement for Linguist, but here goes.

    I'm taking my sabbatical in the fall of '92 in Paris. Does anybody know of anybody who lives in Paris and would be interested in a house exchange in Los Angeles?

    mike hammond